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The present IEER database contains re-published water quality data from the Susquehanna River Basin Commission (http://www.srbc.net/). SRBC’s Remote Water Quality Monitoring Network is guided by six primary objectives: 1. To establish a real-time monitoring network at areas of concern in the Susquehanna River Basin; network provides monitoring data to resource agencies, the regulated community and the public to allow timely response in the case of pollution incidents; 2. To establish baseline water quality conditions in targeted areas of the basin; 3. To verify whether or not the natural gas industry and/or other activities with the potential to cause pollution incidents are causing adverse impacts on local water quality; 4. To reduce the cost of data collection through the use of advanced technologies; to form collaborative partnerships to improve monitoring technology and provide educational opportunities; 5. To enhance water supply protection through source water monitoring; and 6. To be responsive to public concerns. Additional information can be found at http://mdw.srbc.net/remotewaterquality/


Marcellus Shale, Water Quality, Continuous Data

Study Description

The Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC) established the Remote Water Quality Monitoring Network (RWQMN) in January 2010 in response to natural gas drilling activities in the basin. More than 50 water quality monitoring stations are operating in watersheds experiencing unconventional shale gas development. Each station continuously monitors the following parameters: pH, temperature, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and relative water depth. The surface water data was collected by the Susquehanna River Basin Commission’s (SRBC) Remote Water Quality Monitoring Network (RWQMN). The sondes obtained readings at 5 minute intervals. Grab samples were collected for laboratory analysis of nutrients, major cations and anions, metals and gross alpha/gross beta. Field measurements of water quality and flow were obtained and benthic samples were collected for identification and counting of macroinvertebrates. The data are for the period of January 2010 through June 2012. Sonde data, with the exception of temperature, have been corrected for measurement errors. Note that not all stations were fully operational for the entire reporting period. Additional information can be found at http://mdw.srbc.net/remotewaterquality/ This dataset was formatted and uploaded to CUAHSI-HIS by the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research for Northeastern Pennsylvania (IEER) at Wilkes University as part of a Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Environmental Education Grant. The entire dataset was processed and remains unmodified with the exception of the addition of qualifiers in certain situations.

Spatial Coverage

The Susquehanna River Basin drains a 27,510-square-mile area covering portions of New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland. RWQMN stations are distributed primarily in the north and western parts of the watershed in areas underlain by Marcellus Shale.

Temporal Coverage

The first RWQMN station went online in January 2010. Since that time over 50 stations have been added to the network. This dataset currently contains data from 56 stations through June 30, 2012. Stations sample at 5 minute intervals and are routinely visited for maintenance and addition sampling including grab samples for laboratory analysis, flow, and macroinvertebrates.
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Geographic Description

The Susquehanna River Basin is comprised of six major subbasins; has more than 49,000 miles of streams (source: National Hydrography Dataset); is comprised of 69 percent forestlands (source: Chesapeake Bay 2000 landuse); has a population of 4.1 million (data source: 2010 Census); begins at a narrow outlet of Otsego Lake in Cooperstown, N.Y., and meanders 444 miles until it empties into the Chesapeake Bay at Havre de Grace, Md.; is the nation’s longest, commercially non-navigable waterway; and is the largest tributary to the Chesapeake Bay, supplying half of the bay’s freshwater inflows -- about 18 million gallons per minute.