Home   Login All Data Services Forum https://wof.dendradev-gke1.dendra.cuahsi.org/GLEON_LakeAnnie/cuahsi_1_1?WSDL GLEON_LakeAnnie Evelyn Gaiser ArchboldDataManager@gmail.com 863-465-2571 Website: http://www.archbold-station.org/ 28 28 14,737,245 Updated Sites Count: 28 Updated on: 3/24/2016 8:23:22 PM Updated Values Count: 13229262 Updated on: 3/24/2016 8:23:22 PM Download last tested on 04/20/2023 Last Harvested on 4/6/2023 3:33:18 AM(UTC) Archbold Biological Station            Contact:        Sites: Values: Variables: 27.2077 -81.352 -81.352 27.2077

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Lake Annie Instrumented Buoy, Venus FL Geographic Extent:


The GLEON_LakeAnnie Buoy was envisioned by Evelyn Gaiser (FIU) and Hilary Swain (Archbold Biological Station) in 2008, after Tim Kratz (Northern Lakes LTER) recommended Archbold add a buoy to complement the monthly lake data collection that started in 1983. The buoy was an EMB-375 YSI buoy with a selection of sensors and instruments including a YSI sonde, thermistor chain, and LICOR PAR, as recommended by GLEON. With assistance of GLEON scientists the buoy was deployed in February 2008, in the center of the lake, together with a pressure gauge (water level) and rain gauge at the Lake Annie dock. New sensors have been added over time (micrometeorology). Many original and subsequent sensors have been replaced over time. The cost of the buoy, sensor replacement, and annual maintenance costs have been supported by Archbold Biological Station. The buoy has been maintained by Archbold technicians, especially Earl Keel, as well as Hilary Swain and Evelyn Gaiser. Datalogger programming and communications were completed by Earl Keel. Data collection began in February 2008 and the buoy has been deployed continuously since then, apart from an annual maintenance of ~2-3 days. There have been periods when different sensors failed and had to be replaced, resulting in several extended interruptions in data. Data are streamed via a wireless radio network every 15 minutes to the main buildings at Archbold, and real time data are available on the Archbold website (http://www.archbold-station.org/data/techview/index.html). Data QAQC includes systematic automated procedures (range, step, persistence) and intermittent manual review. Data are archived in an MS SQL database at Archbold for use within the GLEON network and beyond. During 2008-2015 there were 36 requests for Lake Annie buoy data and more than 11 publications (www.gleon.org). This specific dataset consists of raw 15 minute data from the buoy, dock, and nearby weather station that have not been manually QC’ed. Data has been run through an automated flagging process to check for step, range, and persistence. These data have not been gap-filled for missing timestamps. Please contact us for monthly calibration data. You may visit http://www.archbold-station.org/data/index.cfm for Archbold's Data and Metadata for this dataset as well as other research and monitoring datasets.